
Have you noticed lately that people are more ready for big change?

Have you noticed an increased interest in the new and the daring?

Have you noticed that people are looking at what authenticity is in a whole new way?

Over the past month on several events we have been involved in its been very noticeable that leaders are ready for change. They are hungry for new encounters with God, for new strategy, for fresh revelation of His presence.

I wrote down the word reformation and as I wrote it, I heard it like ‘re’ ‘form’, as if something has been totally pulled apart and put together again in a totally new shape.

The type of coaching I have been involved in with leaders lately has been much about helping them to make sense of all the jigsaw pieces. We’ve been coaching to find answers and links to seemingly disparate parts. Coaching around all that has in previous years been in a way pulled apart, we find themes, messages and repetitions that come together to provide fresh perspective on vision all pointing towards a spirit inspired kingdom purpose.

Does any of this resonate with you? Here are some of the themes we are observing with many kingdom leaders.

Processing the season that is passing

Difficult seasons are culminating for so many people and The Lords is helping them to make sense of it all. It is not always a good thing to not look back. Many times looking back can encourage us when we look back at positive outcomes and what God has been at work forming.

By coaching people to process seemingly confusing seasons we find wisdom and clarity which helps equip them to launch into their next season.

So much of our past points to our future positively. Using coaching tools to fully process what has happened, you can draw out particular areas of transformation, what testimony has been created, where God has been at work, what character has been formed in you and what vision has been birthed.

Reforming the future

Something else I am noticing is a trend that many leaders are deliberately not planning a future, as they sense God has something completely out of the box for them and they want to remain open and available to this.

What a great expectation to have!

Coaching our desires, is a great way to increase our anticipation and faith. God can do superabundantly more than whatever you can ask for, think or imagine. ( Eph 3:20, Amplified) So lets not be afraid to think and imagine!

I am finding a new grace on helping leaders to step out of perceptions of what is possible and into the realm of imagining the impossible. We start this by thinking about desires and dreams and getting specific about the kinds of things we would love to see change or improve. Also by imagining what it could be like to experience Gods presence in a mightier way.

Connecting with our hearts in this way is so powerful. Its as if it invites heavens favour and blessing. Vision is born, re-born and expanded.

Through the kingdom coaching journey we invite the Holy Spirit on board to encounter us in the midst of our imagination. He is expert at connecting the dots and showing us how what we desire is linked to His purpose for us.

Turning the supernatural into the natural

Finally, at a workshop that I ran last weekend, one of the simplest tools provided to be one of the most powerful sessions. It was when we moved into setting actions, actually creating goals to all that we had envisioned.

Creating goals with defined actions which were measurable and achievable but also exciting, all at the same time, and actually committing to these before God, bought breakthrough for many.

It helped many leaders to step into their next phase, exercising their faith muscle along the way.

Authentic relationships

Finally, the process of coaching and unveiling what is on each others hearts, has proven to be be an amazing experience to many we have ministered to. One of the main outcomes is that they comment on how close and connected they feel in heart to those who have journeyed with them. Kingdom coaching facilitates close heart to heart conversations which builds authentic intimate community. We have seen bonds created between like minded leaders very quickly as we facilitate each person drawing out from each other the gold. Many leaders experience a space to fully express their hearts, their needs and their desires in freedom through participating in coaching led conversations. Kingdom coaching conversations connect us together in a way that normal conversation cannot, because it gives full attention to the other person’s agenda, the deepest issues of their heart. All of this whilst giving them the space to not have to be fixed, but to just ‘be’.

Accepting one another just where we are, and trusting that we will with Gods help move on and figure it out, has freed up true authentic heart expression on a new level for many leaders.

In transition seasons we can feel like the caterpillar going through its metamorphosis. In between stages, as the caterpillar we can look messy and almost unrecognisable. Having those around that watch us go through our metamorphosis and simply, encourage and all along believe that we will indeed become a butterfly, provides a powerful and effective community to dwell amongst, where big changes become possible.

What is being reformed in you in this season?

What is your vision for taking this to the world?

Who can you connect with to be authentic in the transition?