Positive Focussed Leadership Coaching

Sadly, so much management and leadership is focussed on problem solving and ‘areas for development’, (which really means let’s focus on our weaknesses and try and turn them into strengths). I sometimes feel that we are obsessed with fixing problems, pointing out weak areas or lending our expertise to others to put ‘right’ what they are doing ‘wrong’. What would …

Self-Awareness & Emotional Intelligence

Recently I have been coaching a lot of leaders around becoming clearer on what they carry and ‘finding their voice’. This is an important season where God really wants us to be clear and confident in this area so that we operate at maximum authority. The people I have been coaching are mature leaders with a wealth of wisdom and …

Divine Partnership in the Work Place

Through receiving Kingdom style coaching from Destiny Coaching, God has given Matthew a new perspective on how to integrate his walk with God with his professional life. During a coaching session, Matthew heard God say to him, “If you create a space by faith, I will fill it with my presence.” At first, he saw this as a revelation just …

Discovering a New Normal

Sarah lives in England with her husband. She has been a school headmistress for nine years and has worked in the education system for over twenty years. Last year she realized she was feeling stuck and was hungry for more in life. This desire brought her to Marianne Fryer, and they began one-on-one life coaching. Through their sessions, Sarah discovered …

Living Out of the Box

Robyn Foote is a dynamic ministry leader who loves to encourage, connect and build community. She lives with her husband, Tim, and their family in upstate New York and is co-founder of Women Praying for Men and founder of Radical Kingdom Homemaking Ministries. Last year, she realized she was feeling stuck and found herself asking, “Who am I? What am …


It happened again….she asked me a specific question, I barely got out a sentence, and she began talking about herself, her own experiences, and how she solved the problems of the world. Because this has happened before, I can’t really explain why I was so frustrated. Because of my nature, I just always assumed the next question would be loaded …

4 signs of maturity of identity

What does it take to be so sure of who you are that you are able to coach others beyond where you will ever go? As coaches this is something we enthusiastically embrace in each coaching relationship we have. It is such a kingdom approach that Jesus modelled so well. In John 14:12 He said: Very truly I tell you, …


Have you ever felt as if you had to change or die? Sometimes out of failure, inspiration, pain or despair. It is a tough place to be in and even tougher to climb out of with lasting change. An internet search about  sustaining change, yielded numerous articles: 3 steps to lasting change, 7 steps to lasting change, 3 keys to …

What to do when Coach and Coachee gets stuck in a rut

When I first started coaching, the situation I used to most dread was when a coachee turned up to a session in a state fear and panic, because they couldn’t see a way out of their situation. As they would share their struggle, their disillusionment and frustration, my own anxiety would begin to rise. I felt this responsibility to come …

Stories of Transformation

Stories of transformation from those who learned the heart of coaching through “kingdom style coaching”  As a leader of a church, I wanted to explore coaching for both myself in my development, and also with the people I am working with in my church and for their field. What I discovered from the programme was how it helped me to …