



Most of the time




1.     People voluntarily come to me as a sounding board to talk things through 0 1 2 3
2.     Conversations often finish without me telling a story about myself, how `I feel or what I would recommend 0 1 2 3
3.     I am comfortable not having to input my expertise into a conversation 0 1 2 3
4.     To check I am really understanding someone I will briefly summarise what I think I have understood and check back with them as to whether I have got it or not 0 1 2 3
5.     I often see many links between what a person is saying and their whole life and purpose 0 1 2 3
6.     I am able to have a conversation where I am speaking less than 20% of the time 0 1 2 3
7.     I enjoy helping people figure out what they really want in a situation 0 1 2 3
8.     I often hear Holy Spirit prompt me to explore something deeper with someone when I am speaking to them 0 1 2 3
9.     I am adept at asking open questions to draw out more of what a person is trying to communicate. (An open question starts with what, how, etc) 0 1 2 3
10.  I can hear when someone is out of alignment with their core values 0 1 2 3
11.  I am able to ask powerful questions that bring revelation to people about the state of their heart 0 1 2 3
12.  People feel ‘connected’ and understood (more than on a superficial level) when I talk to them 0 1 2 3


What does your score mean?


You may hear a lot from people but not truly listen too deeply. There is a good chance that they may not feel very connected to you. Chances are you don’t ask people too many personal or open questions. If you wish to deepen your relationship connections and increase your influence as a leader, you could do with toning down your internal dialogue and tuning in a little more to what is gong on in other people’s internal worlds. Learning some listening skills and coaching skills would benefit you enormously


You can listen, but maybe when you do listen to people your wisdom and discernment makes you very enthusiastic to advise them. It could help you to be a better listener if you learn to switch off your advice and continue to listen asking open questions. This will give you even more insight into the depths of their heart and you may find the advice you thought was good for them isn’t. Sometimes people just want to be heard and not given advice.


You are a good listener. People probably come to you to run things past. You are able to concentrate on what they bring. You have the ability to delve more deeply into the heart of the matter. People often feel heard by you. You have the ability to go deeper with people, but perhaps don’t recognise your strength and the gift you have to offer them. Don’t feel like you have to offer advice always, learn to value the pure art of simply being there and listening and showing an interest in those that come to you.


You are an expert listener. You recognise the importance of allowing people to fully express themselves. You may also be able to be fully present with the person you listen to and also listen to Holy Spirit. You probably use the insight and revelation you receive whilst listening to guide your questions and draw out more of what is important from the person. People probably often seek you out, as the gift you offer them of listening and valuing what they say allows them to feel believed in. You have a gift of counsel, wisdom and discernment. Remember you empower and strengthen people by the way you are able to listen to them.