Have you noticed lately that people are more ready for big change? Have you noticed an increased interest in the new and the daring? Have you noticed that people are looking at what authenticity is in a whole new way? Over the past month on several events we have been involved in its been very noticeable that leaders are ready …
The Blueprint of Growth
Coaches are change experts, facilitating change in others. So in an effort to understand the absolute principles of change and growth, let’s consider God’s blueprint for plant growth. Hidden in simple growing plants are the simple keys to transformation. Most plant life usually starts with a very small beginning in a seed or a sprout. And this tender start must have moisture, …
Accessing Passion
Have you ever experienced connecting someone to something deep in their heart that makes them become so alive they start to shine? You see their eyes twinkle, they may even become teary and they can’t stop talking about it. All of a sudden you see them in a different light. They are passionate, strong, alive, courageous and full of creativity …
Wind Power
Who has seen the wind? As I write this my wife and I are on a vacation in lovely France. Driving up the A7 auto route to Paris we have seen powerful wind generators that spot the countryside. Wind generation is on the rise today as a source of electrical energy since it has such a soft eco-footprint with no …
Self-Management & The Heart of a Coach
There is a hugely beneficial leadership skill that we can bring when managing, and coaching a person which is hardly explored. It is the art of self-management. The heart of a true coach is to fully believe in the person you are coaching and to feel confident to empower them to find their own solutions. Fully embracing this attitude takes …
Managing Transition
Transition is unavoidable in the human journey. No books are written about how to avoid transition. The challenge of transition is to recognize it, embrace it effectively and steward our hearts well in it so that it becomes a crucible of preparation for our next level of influence and opportunity. Are you in transition? Obviously if there are significant changes …
Coaching Defined
How does it compare to other disciplines and what is it? Today my new business coach & mentor described a continuum to me, asking me which styles on this continuum I most wanted the basis of our working relationship to be. At one end he described it would be teaching all the way to the other end of the continuum …
Powerful Everyday Encouragement
Recently I was invited to join Tina Southgate’s coach training course for a special session on affirmation. The opportunity enlivened my heart once again to the power of encouragement as a coach. The affirmation a coach brings to his client often provides just enough tinder to spark significant action. It is one of the most vital and effective ways to …
The Future of Leadership – Re-Establishing a Culture of Choice
There is a part of leadership that is close to The Fathers heart. It’s the part that I am going to describe as facilitating people to be fully at choice. When God made man and woman one fundamental decision he made was to give them a free will. This is such a fundamental thing as to how we are made …
Savor the Moment
Recently I overheard a comment spoken in my wife’s art class. Her art coach referred to “Savoring the moment” as he was was directing the art students to capture on canvas the emotions that they were feeling about the scene they were about to paint. The phrase stuck with me because the Holy Spirit was highlighting it. He took that …